
Who is Daniel Kobialka?

Daniel Kobialka

Daniel Kobialka
Member SinceFriday, December 30, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, May 13, 2006
LocationSan Francisco, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (2)
Interests: Music
Industries: Music
Comments (4)
Friends (302)
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Forums (2)
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Janice& Gary Hawkins - (1/9/2006 3:33:52 PM) : Greetings Daniel Kobialka,

Gary and Janice Hawkins just left your website and found in it informative and fun so we rated it 10 out of 10. You are a very talented man, we have only heard your music from your website but it is very soothing! We would like to encourage the adland community to stop and see your site as well! You have allot to share their! We wish you Great Success in all you choose to do, If we can ever be of any service to you please let us know? respectfully, your new friends in Lewiston, Idaho.
Daniel Kobialka - (1/9/2006 3:33:52 PM) : Dear Gary and Janice:
Please for give me for not replying sooner, but I just discovered how to get your message.
I was so thrilled with you rating of 10, and I am very grateful for your kindness.
I am kind of new in AdlandPro as it offers so much, and I have so much to learn.

May I ask you a question: Is there a way that I could get the information of my website out to the community, as I have just upgraded my membership but am still struggling to find the right places to go.

Thank you again for all of your kind thoughts.
I look forward to hearing from you.


Sweetgrame :-) - (1/8/2006 3:15:41 PM) : Dear Daniel,

I rated you a 10 because your website is very different, & lovely.

Your New Friend,
Sweetgrame :-)
Daniel Kobialka - (1/8/2006 3:15:41 PM) : Dear Roz;

Thank you for all of your kindness in rating my website. 10 out of 10
I am so grateful.

Your New Friend


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