
Who is Cynthia Phillips?

Cynthia Phillips

Cynthia Phillips
Member SinceMonday, June 18, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, March 24, 2010
LocationRedwood City , California, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I've been a work at home mom, since Dec. 2004 and boy, has it been an experience. Going from a 9 to 5 to nothing.

As I worked my business and stayed plugged into our training calls everyday, the income starting building. Especially when I started investing part of the income into myself for personal development training.

I really love my business and helping people change their lives, so my goal is to reach the highest level possible, which is National Vice President. So, by taking my business seriously and following this fantastic system, I have been able to help change my life and so many other people's lives. It's such a wonderful gratifying feeling to help others AND be home with your family. As my business matures, I have more time to do some of the things I've wanted to do in life, like become a full-time student (as I am today)! You can do it too!

I also like to have fun so I am now the proud owner of a New Social Network... Opportunity Cafe! Yep, and from that I have a radio show. Lot's of new things going on that you can be a part of the action. Opportunity Cafe offers you jobs, work at home opportunities, healthy recipes, video clips, and radio show segments. So join in on the excitement and fun.

Let's Talk Soon!

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