
Who is Carl Mardian?

Carl Mardian

Carl Mardian
BirthdayMonday, April 9, 1973
Member SinceTuesday, January 23, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, April 6, 2010
LocationTatamagouche, Nova Scotia, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
............. I am an Entrepreneur who enjoys working with people.

I have been with my wife Jolene for 12 years and we have three wonderful children. Ceanna-age 10, Colton-age 9 and Cristen-age 3.

Through the ups and downs of starting a business I believe the best way to success is to run with the good and learn from the bad. You only fail when you quit is the way someone starting out has to look at things. Though I have many dreams and big goals, from what I'm told “focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is not found in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

If you help enough people to success, and truly have their best interests at heart, you in turn will have success. Everyone has a different definition of what success is and if we all work toward the same goal, we will all have our own personal success.

Everything happens for a reason one way or another and if you look at things in a different light you can also see that something good always comes from something bad meaning that obstacles are only those things that get in your way when you take your eye off of the goal.

"Dream BIG & with God's help, the conception of an even greater dream can be created."

Learn how ordinary people are making extraordinary Income and living their dreams.

Enjoy abundance in your life today.






A Few of my favorite quotes:


"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." 

Marian Wright Edelman
Lobbyist on Behalf of Children


"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The person who goes the furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."


Dale Carnegie
1888-1955, Author and Trainer


"The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are." 

Thomas Dreier



And a quick story:


You make a difference!
Author Unknown

A high school teacher decided to honorall of her students by telling them the difference they each made. She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First she told each of them how they had made a difference to her and the class.

Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters, which read, 'Who I Am Makes a Difference.'

Afterwards the teacher decided to do a class project to see what kind of impact recognition would have on a community. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgment ceremony. Then they were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom and report back to the class in about a week.

One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt.

Then he gave him two extra ribbons and said, 'We're doing a class project on recognition, and we'd like you to go out, find somebody to honor, give them a blue ribbon, then give them the extra blue ribbon so they can acknowledge a third person to keep this acknowledgment ceremony going. Then please report back to me and tell me what happened.'

Later that day the junior executive went in to see his boss, who had been noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow. He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius.

The boss seemed very surprised. The junior executive asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon and would he give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said, 'Well sure.' The junior executive took the blue ribbon and placed it right on his boss's jacket above his heart. As he gave him the last extra ribbon, he said, 'Would you do me a favor? Would you take this extra ribbon and pass it on by honoring somebody else? The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing a project in school and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going and find out how it affects people.'

That night the boss came home to his 14-year old son and sat him down. He said, 'The most incredible thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius. Imagine. He thinks I'm creative genius.'

'Then he put this blue ribbon that says, 'Who I Am Makes A Difference' on my jacket above my heart. He gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I started thinking about whom I would honor with this ribbon and thought of you. I want to honor you. My days are really hectic and when I come home I don't pay a lot of attention to you.

Sometimes I scream at you for not getting good enough grades in school and for your bedroom being a mess, but somehow tonight, I just wanted to sit here and, well, just let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You're a great kid and I love you!'

The startled boy started to sob and sob, and he couldn't stop crying. His whole body shook. He looked up at his father and said through his tears, 'I was planning on committing suicide tomorrow, Dad, because I didn't think you loved me. Now I know you care. This is the happiest day I've known.'

The boss went back to work a changed man. He was no longer a grouch but made sure to let all his employees know that they made a difference.

The junior executive helped several other young people with career planning and never forgot to let them know that they made a difference in his life - one being the boss' son. And the young boy and his classmates learned a valuable lesson.

So who you are DOES make a difference and I wanted you to know that.

Warmest Regards,

Carl Mardian



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