
Who is Cevat Shaban?

Cevat Shaban

Cevat Shaban
BirthdayFriday, August 30, 1963
Member SinceSaturday, January 29, 2011
Last ActivitySunday, May 8, 2011
LocationIsperih (Исперих), Razgrad Prov (Обл Разград), Bulgaria Bulgaria
About Me
About Me
djevat ahmed shaban dis cephe ustasi Sayding _izolasiyon
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
Comments (8)
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Sara Gardner Blow - (8/30/2011 1:58:04 PM) : HAPPY BIRTHDAY CEVAT!!
Cevat Shaban - (4/25/2011 9:49:32 AM) : BPBIBGSF BG31BPBI79494170381101
Cevat Shaban - (4/25/2011 9:48:59 AM) :
Ralph White - (4/25/2011 8:37:06 AM) : Greetings fellow Adlandpro member. Hope you have a great day.
Sara Gardner Blow - (2/5/2011 5:18:05 PM) : Welcome to Adland!
Iacovino Rosario - (2/4/2011 12:24:47 PM) : On February 5, 2011 will start officially on site and who will MYSHOPPINGGENIE included as an official distributor with its own code. key on, have the opportunity to be in your organization all those who come from the site is still in prelaunch until agosto2011:, from all parts of the world, and are currently over 100,000, then they will end up a good part what else is in our
James Mckenzie - (1/31/2011 5:36:43 PM) : Hello Cevat, Welcome to this community of friends from South Carolina. Your strong desires is the starting point for all your achievements. Enjoy Your Stay! James
Cevat Shaban - (1/29/2011 4:00:43 PM) : BPBIBGSF BG31BPBI79494170381101


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