
Who is Lauren Caruso?

Lauren Caruso

Lauren Caruso
BirthdayMonday, October 8, 1956
Member SinceFriday, August 22, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, January 5, 2014
LocationEureka Springs, Arkansas, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Born in 1956, I'm a Baby Boomer ready for my second wind in life.
I was widowed in 1986 at the tender age of 30 and never remarried. My son was 2 years old at the time. Daniel is my only child.
I'd been in the restaurant/bar/sportsbar business for 30+ years, in Chicago where I was born, raised and lived most of my adult life. 3 years after my husbands death, I owned my own restaurant/sportsbar for 15+ years. My business partner was my significant other. Into my late 40's it became too much and I needed to get out. Out of everything. In Nov 2005, I scooped up my Mom my adult son and my 4 dogs and relocated to NW Arkansas, where I can breathe!
I started my Herbalife business in March 2006, and began my love affair with the internet around Sept - Oct 2006, and never looked back.
I have a couple things I am truly passionate about. Animals (especially dogs) and animal welfare. That is my biggest and deepest passion and it fills my heart. I find health and nutrition fascinating and of course my technical passion, computers/internet.

I am in the process of building several streams of income with my partner Gen Clark, so I can stay home and work/earn. I want to give my Mom all the things she wanted but never had. She raised my bro and I pretty much alone and always gave of herself, so now it's her turn. This is for me too, but my mom deserves a break.

I am a "give back to the universe" person and donate to several charities (kids and animals)

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