
Who is Michael McDonald Aka Captnan?

Michael McDonald Aka Captnan

Michael McDonald Aka Captnan
BirthdaySunday, March 21, 1943
Member SinceSaturday, October 1, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, March 6, 2009
LocationHouston, Texas, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Vice-President/Executive Director, COO/CIO, Board of Directors Nanocomputer Dream Team, Inc.

Contributing Editor NanoTechnology Magazine

V.P./Business Development - Nanotechnology Development Corporation

Founder of NASA-JSC Area Nanotechnology Study Group

Inclusive NASA-JSC Nanotechnology Liaison Officer

Smart Filter for STO (Space Team On Line)

U.S. Representative for Robodyne Cybernetics Ltd London, UK

Public Information Officer for ScienceDaily Magazine

Team SETI Honor Roll Charter Member

Member The Science Advisory Board

Member Singularity Action Group

Graduate: University of Texas Medical Branch - Mini Medical School - Space Center Houston

Will be the co-host for upcoming documentary to be aired on Discovery Channel's show "The Cutting Edge Technology Report" the episode will be named "Nanotechnology, New Power on the Horizon"


While in the US Air Force in France, I attended the University of Nancy in Nancy, France majoring in Psychology. After getting out of the Air Force, I returned to Houston and worked a couple of years as a Electronics Test Pilot for Continental Radio Corporation.

I then went with Control Data Corp and was hired to become the EIC of NASA's Manned Space Center's (now Johnson Space Center) Large Scale Scientific Computer Systems. During this tenure was when we did all of the simulations for the Lunar Landing which we finally accomplished back in July of 1969. After getting out of the Aerospace industry I persued a career in Geophysics with Western Geophysical in Galveston.

I was hired to help with the design of a new method and computer system for gathering seismic information from both land and marine crews. I later became their Lab Supervisor over all crews worldwide. After seeing the Computer Industry go from the mammoth main frames down to the Mini Computer size I got back into arena with Mohawk Data Sciences and was the National Account Engineer in charge of all MDS systems at Tenneco Oil Company in Houston.

Got disenchanted with Houston and computers and moved to San Diego and set up a BioFeedback Program for the Major Airlines.

Retired and moved to my roots and then vowed never to stray too far again. I have since kinda sorta come out of retirement to start various projects and enterprises. Believe me, there is not such a thing as retirement for people with active minds. So here I am baby, back again, gonna watch another historical event take place with me right in the midst of it.


You should also take note that I have gotten into the World of Global Entrepreneurship. From the very beginning of working with all of the top Scientist around the world who were giving of their time and information as a volunteer freely. I always wanted to create a cash flow that provide a slush fund in which to repay them for participation with the Dream Team. As a result it has taken me to evaluate many opportunities on the Internet. Needless to say, this is a world far from Nanotechnology and has many sharks swimming amongst those who dare to tread. So I am always open for consultation in this area.


You can contact Michael at

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Joelees Wholesale - (7/12/2007 7:46:23 PM) : Hi Michael,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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