
Who is Rick Ling?

Rick Ling

Rick Ling
Member SinceMonday, February 8, 2010
Last ActivityMonday, December 19, 2011
LocationToluca, México, Mexico Mexico
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About Me
About Me
Hello I'm a 43 year old Australian male living in Mexico and am married without any Children yet, working now as a MLM marketer and part time as an English Teacher also like to collect coins and phone and baseball cards and some bills too.
I have been into Network Marketing for now like 6 month and like most had struggled with this type of business especially if your told to talk to your relatives talk to your neighbours make 200 person warmlist and then go and talk to them all!! Then attend meeting after meeting telling you look I did it you can too!! Well I had done all that and achieved very little except lots of get losts, get real, its a scam, only 1/100 make it in MLM business get a real job!!
Then I was shown another way and it was like why chase who mostly who aren't interested in your type of business etc. But instead go online and find who is, most network marketers use the internet to generate leads and it does work when you have the knowledge and power and the will and the tools... There are numerous tools to help you for example bulk emailing sites and blogs and articles and known internet software eg Facebook, Twitter, My Space, HI-5, Bebo, Ask and more to name a few.
My affiliate business
My homepage still under construction.
Rick Ling
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Charity Toure - (7/5/2012 1:39:34 PM) : ( Hello Greetings,I am charity by name I am single I came here to look for my second half, my soulmate,my friend It is to tell about myself to you, as I haven't seen you ever before. But I feel something inside. I feel like a little sign of hope that I am not doing this in vain.I feel that you have the friendly soul to mine.What I want to find is Love. Yes, Love from the big
Ruth Siako - (2/14/2012 12:26:21 AM) : Hola queridos, Mi nombre es Ruth. Soy una chica joven. Me gustaría que fuéramos amigos y saber más unos de otros. Por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo a través de mi dirección de correo electrónico ( para que yo pueda enviar mi foto para ti y también te diré más sobre mi. Tu nuevo amigo La señorita Ruth. Mi dirección de correo electrónico es:
Roger Bjornerud - (3/8/2010 2:55:17 AM) : Thank you for becoming my friend Rick. If you have any questions please click my name and send me a message. :)
Ken Nairne - (3/7/2010 12:24:01 PM) : Hello Rick. I hope you are well. Thank you for accepting me as your friend. If you are new to Internet Marketing and need an helping hand to get started; here is a FREE Video Course that will get you up and running in no time. You can also learn more about me here! Add me to skype and let’s connect. Your New Friend Ken Nairne. Skype: kngems
Happy Days Goldfinder - (3/7/2010 10:26:39 AM) : Hello My New Friend, I hope you are well. If I can be of any help at all, please drop me a line. I have a huge team behind me, all experts, and we cover EVERY Topic. Happy Days ... ===============================================================================


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