
Who is Marcia Burr?

Marcia Burr

Marcia Burr
BirthdayFriday, April 18, 1958
Member SinceSunday, February 11, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, November 28, 2007
LocationWilliston, Florida, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
Hi there! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I've always been a motivated person seeking new opportunities to enrich my life. I've owned my own photography business, done multilevel marketing, and managed retail stores throughout the state of Florida. I'm also an xray tech! After doing medical imaging for years, I sustained serious back injuries lifting patients and I realized that I must make a shift in my financial career so that I would not be crippled by the time I was fifty! I did some diligent searching and was lead to many opportunities, meeting extraordinary people dedicated to "paying it forward". My life has changed! I no longer worry about injuring myself and now have the time and financial freedom to enjoy life to the fullest! Being a firm believer in multiple streams of income, I have several websites that help me build financial freedom. These sites offer ways to save and make money while enriching the world and having fun do it! All of us can become the masters of our destinies. Would you care to join me? Visit: TO SUCCESS!! Remember--Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but rather, a manner of traveling. May your journey be joyful!!
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Joelees Wholesale - (7/13/2007 5:35:12 PM) : Hi Marcia,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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