
Who is Steve Sims?

Steve Sims

Steve Sims
BirthdayMonday, October 24, 1955
Member SinceThursday, January 21, 2010
Last ActivityWednesday, June 15, 2011
LocationPassaic, New Jersey, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I consider myself a work in progress. In the last ten years I have become a published author and artist, however I find painting to be more me. Since the early nineties of first seeing Bob Ross painting a beautiful landscape scene in less than a half hour painting became something I truly wished I had the ability to do. On Christmas of 2002 I received as a present from my wife everything needed to begin my painting experience, which in the beginning was somewhat less than encouraging, but with determination and my strong desire to paint the journey has been beautiful.

I think I'm mostly inspired by scenery because I view it as reflections of God's awesome handiwork. I haven't physical traveled much but my paintings take me to places straight from my imagination. I even stopped trying to plan exactly what I want as an end result of each of my works because they never turn out that way. So I've learned to just step back, figure out what colors I want to begin with, and from there just go with the flow, and I must say this method hasn't disappointed me yet, if anything I'm continually amazed. Someone wrote that each painting is a widow to the artists' soul and imagination. When I'm painting I'm in a peaceful place, and this peace and calm is reflected in my paintings

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Cheryl Maples - (10/24/2011 4:56:02 AM) : Happy Birthday, Steve! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
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