
Who is Ken Jones?

Ken Jones

Ken Jones
Member SinceSunday, March 18, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, March 14, 2008
LocationHigh Springs, Florida, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

My name is Ken Jones and with over 20 years of experience in networking I know I have something I can bring to the table to help you build a business doing what I do.  I look forward to helping anyone who would like to develop a business that they can feel good about and get paid while doing it.


Although I listed only one business I actually do 3.  I'm currently expanding my business into other countries.  Namely,  France because it just opened up & Brazil is opening in Jan 08.  I have been doing that business for over a yr with great success.


I also do Care Entree / USA Healthcare/ Ameriplan USA which are all 3 companies under the Access Umbrella.  You can see those business at these sites :  Health Plan Access  &AmeriValuePlan Program ( whice requires hard copy  appllication to join) &

USA Healthcare Savings: A division of Access Plans USA, Inc. - Access to Healt   I have been a rep for them for 9 yrs and have never once looked back from joining.  That business has allowed me some of the finer things in life and the residual keeps comming.


Last but not least I do  because everyone eats and I used to work as a driver for one of the suppliers ( for 9 years) and I know their food to be superb!  I prefer eating the higher quality food  and getting paid from other people doing what they already do. 


Most of all I am not interested in marketing any other business then the businesses I am already doing.  I am financially happy with what I have done and have no need to look elsewhere.  Net working isn't a simple business no matter what people say but there are simple products that people need.  people need to eat to live!  So why not get paid for something they can enjoy eating!

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Joelees Wholesale - (7/11/2007 2:44:36 PM) : Hi Ken,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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