
Who is Jon Hart?

Jon Hart

Jon Hart
BirthdayFriday, November 17, 1972
Member SinceSaturday, January 7, 2012
Last ActivityMonday, July 2, 2012
LocationScunthorpe, England, United Kingdom United Kingdom
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About Me
About Me
Hi everybody,

My name is Jon Hart, I live in Scunthorpe, England.

I got into Internet marketing in 2009 after getting heavily into debt with credit cards. I have wasted loads of money (some of it my own) buying crap system after crap system from so-called "guru's", promising the earth but never delivering the goods.

So, when I finally found something that worked, I decided to tell the world about it, hence why I'm here.

I created a website, it looks cheap I know, so if anyone has any suggestions on how I could make it more appealing, I'd love to hear them.

The site is called Check it out if you want more money.

Best wishes,

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Ricky Wells - (9/10/2012 5:07:01 AM) : sign up at our site start make US dollars for referral others
Ralph White - (8/28/2012 6:56:46 AM) : Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
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Roger Bjornerud - (5/20/2012 7:55:19 PM) : Thank you for connecting with me Jon :)


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