
Who is Angela Zechinato?

Angela Zechinato

Angela Zechinato
BirthdayMonday, February 21, 1949
Member SinceMonday, September 25, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, August 12, 2012
LocationRockledge, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hello Everyone! My name is Angela Zechinato and I live in the beautiful sunshine state of Florida.My husband and I have been married about 5 years and we have two beautiful furry poodle children known as Missy and Puppy. We also have biological grown children who live away from home and 5 grandchildren. I joined Adlandpro to network and make new friends.When you work from home it is difficult to meet alot of new people when you are not out and about.Especially for me as I am somewhat homebound due to my health. I have found that this medium is a great way to meet wonderful individuals who are willing to communicate with each other.
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