
Who is Amy Holman?

Amy Holman

Amy Holman
BirthdayWednesday, February 15, 1978
Member SinceSaturday, December 9, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, March 9, 2007
About Me
About Me

Yes it is true, I was once homeless....

My life shouldn’t have gotten to that point. I graduated from HS in the top 10% with a special award from the Gov for perfect attendance. I went to college and worked for a while before joining the AF as a Cryptologic Analyst (Intel) I ran in marathons and planned on joining the FBI.

I met the person that I thought was the love of my life and everything in my world was perfect, until I found out I was pregnant. He husband left me because he didn’t want to have children and during one of my checkups I found out that I had cervical cancer. Since I lived in Misawa Japan a small town outside of the mountains in Northern Japan, they didn’t have the medical treatment that I required and I was forced to move to a new place to start over with nothing. I was released from the AF after the birth of my son since deployments to Iraq were starting and being a single parent I couldn’t go. Every one I knew was gone and I was forced to fend for myself.

I lived for as long as possible off of credit cards and whatever part time jobs I could find. I constantly battled with myself as to what was more important; rent, car or food. Well you can't drive your house and you can't eat your car so I kept the truck and got a part time job at a restaurant. I lived in my truck for almost a year.

I am VERY fortunate that I have a strong spirit and didn’t give up. I had family and made friends that helped when they could.

I am now married and slowly rebuilding my credit. I look at AGLOCO not only as a way to prevent this from happening to myself again in the future but to help other men and women who could potentially end up in the situation.

Where as most of us view AGLOCO as a way to make a couple of extra bucks probably for savings or increased standards of living, others may view it as the difference between shelter and healthy food and living in their truck eating other peoples table scraps.

My Goal with AGLOCO is to help build my down line for the members of my down line. I am fortunate to have the ability to create websites and compelling ad copy, pay for hosting and domains and have the time to sit and promote AGLOCO all day. For a struggling single mother, 5 hours maybe the only spare time they have each month, enough to get paid with AGLOCO but not enough to build their down line.

We all know that we all benefit from growing the company whether people are in our direct down lines or not. As the first members it is our responsibility to help get the word out.

I’m telling you this to remind you that you have the power and AGLOCO has provided you the tool, you can now make a real difference in someone’s life. I’m sure that all of you reading this can think back to some point in time when an extra $100 a month would have made all the difference in the world.

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Roger Ketcham - (2/28/2007 4:25:36 PM) : nice pic


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