
Who is Tony Harrison?

Tony Harrison

Tony Harrison
BirthdayThursday, March 1, 1984
Member SinceFriday, March 24, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, December 5, 2007
About Me
About Me

 Im always intersted in online offers and fresh ideas, i hope you find this information interesting..

 If you would like a chat with new ideas or just to chat feel free to add me to your friends lists :-)



I too was sceptical about it but so far it seems to work and i have enjoyed the DVDs in the screenselect free trial.

This is a genuine offer and is a simple, easy and risk free way to earn a Sony PSP!!!!

This scheme has been reviewed and approved by the BBC and a link to the video article is at the bottom of this listing.


By following the steps below, you can claim a free XBOX 360, SONY PSP, NINTENDO DS, SLIM PS2, GAMEBOY ADVANCE SP or REGULAR XBOX.

To begin the process of getting your free console cut and paste this link into your browser,


and read the terms and conditions. Then just register and complete just one of the offers. The screenselect DVD trial is free for two weeks, has no obligation and you can cancel it immediately after you complete the trial. This is the offer that I chose, and it cost me nothing.


By getting a few of your friends or other people to do the same, you will be able to get yourself a free console. By getting just 3 people to do this, you can earn a Gameboy Advance. If you get 5 people to do this, you will have earnt a PS2 or XBOX console.

To refer your friends all you have to do is send them an email with a link or put up an ebay auction similar to this one (copy and paste this one if you like) and each time someone takes you up on the offer, you are one referral closer to getting your console.


The way the website makes money is like this:
The company running this scheme charges the companies advertising on its site every time some one signs up. This fee allows them to buy the consoles, which they use to tempt you to their web site with. Its all down to advertising and economics, purely business.

As well as the trial for Blockbuster online DVD rentals, you can also take up offers from Betfair, The AA, Screenselect, Lloyds TSB,, Sky Digital and many others.

Here is the link for the bbc review of the website:

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Juliana Bond - (3/27/2006 9:42:23 AM) : Tony is a very dear and close friend of mine and I am very happy that he is a member here at
Adland. Tony has a wealth of knowledge and a generous nature, he is always willing to help people and with that attitute he will become a valuable assett to the members of Adlandpro.

Juliana Bond
IMU Entertainments


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