About Me
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About Me
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I have a fantastic hubby & three wonderful children that are growing up fast. It was only yesterday they were feeling their way through primary school, & now my eldest is planning her 18th & in her last year of school. We live across from bushland with wombats and kangaroos that often come & visit us. We love exploring the bush, particularly after the creek has been in flood. Business has opened up so many opportunities for myself and mine and that's a great feeling. My passion in life is to assist others as they achieve in their chosen vocation. This business helps me fulfill my passion every day!
4younyours offers & exciting home business model in the Media & Personal Development Industry. It's what gets me up every morning!
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Learning, Schools, Self-Development, Teaching, Fitness, Relaxation, General Health, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Writing, History, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Blogs, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Movies and Film, TV, Music, Gardening, Nature, Camping, Hiking, Dogs, Fish, Reptiles, Soccer
Industries: Advertising, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Lifestyle, Learning, Self-Development, Teaching, Blogs, Computers, Movies and Film