About Me
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About Me
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Dearest friends, It is an honor to be a member in AdLandPro. My motto is “Life is a Dream to Work for” I have ideas that I will structure and organize and in due time. I joined AdLandPro to make friends, to learn, to exchange experience. I have been lucky being surrounded by excellent people, friends who joined my friends circle not for a REASON, or a SEASON, but for LIFETIME. My AdLandPro history in brief : 1. I joined AdLandPro 22/09/2005 2. POTW #46 June 4th 2006 Person Of The Week (POTW). This honor belongs is due to all of you and wish to share it with all of you to those who had an different opinion to my replies and to all of them who supported me by posting and giving answering, advice and supplied interesting information to my quest and attitudes.
Georgios C. Paraskevopoulos Greece
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Friends, Religion, Romance, Languages, Learning, Politics, Psychology, Science, Teaching, Medication, Weight Loss, General Health, Female Health, Reading, Jokes and Quotes, Magic, Writing, Art, History, Philosophy, Poetry, Modern Art, Blogs, Pop Culture, Current Events, Music, Travel, Nature, Football, Basketball, Soccer
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Homemaking, Beauty, Holistic, Collecting, Shopping, Blogs, E-Books, Internet, Gambling, Football, Basketball, Soccer