
Who is Maurice Duguay?

Maurice Duguay

Maurice Duguay
BirthdaySunday, June 7, 1942
Member SinceTuesday, May 14, 2002
Last ActivitySunday, August 11, 2013
LocationSaint Lin Laurentides, Quebec, Canada Canada
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Kathy Hamilton - (6/30/2008 12:49:25 AM) : Hello Maurice,
I am sorry for that inconvienence,

here is a direct link to what I am doing-

also stop by my community I run it is free:

Your site is very nice

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
Charles Green - (2/17/2006 11:51:59 PM) : Hi Maurice,

It's great to see a senior progressing in later life rather than retiring to a life of boredom.

Keep it up. I really hope it all comes together for you and that you find a real opportunity to go on with.


Maurice Duguay - (2/17/2006 11:51:59 PM) : Hi Charles,

A very great familly you have, remember of my 6 child.

To celebrate my membership with Diamond Elite, I am going to refund 17$ to people to test drive our program.

Not only will I do that today but I am also going to do it during the month of July. My partners are teaming up as well and
matching what I put in.

What does this mean?

We are building the PERFECT MATRIX! NO GAPS!

All members will be guaranteed to make money in our group as there will be no holes.


If you ever wanted to get involved in a POWER BUILD, well you have just
witnessed the power.

I have already started this campaign and positions are going fast, so if you
want on this freight train, there is no better time that RIGHT NOW!

Here is what we are about, take a look:

Our group grew to over 800 in our first 30 days, we are now starting week 5
and expect to triple our size in July.

Why would I want to do it?

First: I am doing it because I am certain that once you join BBS Global
Diamond Elite and realize the value and the potential, you would not want to leave. That is how confident I am about BBS Global Diamond Elite.

Second: Once refund you, you will have 30 days to evaluate the
business and make a personal decision to continue or not. During this time,you can attend all training sessions and presentations to introduce prospects or colleagues.

But it gets even better: Imagine deciding not only to enjoy all that
BBSGlobal has to offer to its members, but also to start making real money:

Every person that you refer to BBSGlobal YOU will EARN $17 in bonus

And the Catch? No catch! Nothing whatsoever. You will not even be asked to provide your credit card information for taking me up on my offer, so there is nothing to worry.

How does it work?

Simple: You say "yes." I will refund 85% of your first month's subscription. You will then have 30 days to explore and find out for yourself The enormous financial future you can build for yourself and Your family. You like it? you stay and then I show you how to get people to sign up and help you build your business.

However, if at the end of those thirty days you decide, for whatever reason, it is not for you, you have paid only 3$. Fair enough?

All I need you to do is go to and setup an
account, fund it with 20$ THen sign after 7 days if you like it and stay i'll refund you 17$, otherwise you have a 7 days money back garanty the most it can cost you is 3$ for a full month of training

Please Note: This may take 24 hours to process based on the amount of

Does it get any easier?

This program will rock the Internet folks just because of the back fill
process we use to guarantee the growth and residual income.

I look forward to work with you,

Maurice Duguay

Fast Track Marketing Group


Skype: maurice.duguay


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