About Me
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About Me
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Newtonian laws of motion combined with physical evidence prove no Boeing airliners crashed on September 11, 2001 at any of the four designated sites. The government's story is a provable, gigantic lie although various possibilities remain open about what really happened. From a narrow prosecutorial point of view, we already have enough evidence to prove guilt at the top. The 9/11 hoax was a stunning psychological operation (psy-op), the most audacious and murderous false-flag operation in history, well-planned, deceptive at every level, intended to manipulate public opinion, and wildly successful in the short run. Against this background, everything the government and its conspiring media say must be treated as a lie until independently proven otherwise. No one can prove the plane crash stories because no one can prove a lie. By contrast, here we prove no Big Boeings crashed, we repeat, no Big Boeings crashed (NBB), at designated locations but that does not mean that large planes did not fly by, repeat, planes could have flown by. One thing is sure: laws of nature and physical evidence render the official story and any close variation of the plane story impossible. The most obvious defect in the official story is the absence or near-absence of conventional airplane wreckage at each crash site. The US Government could have ended plane controversy long ago by allowing independent aircraft accident investigators to examine the unique serial numbers on time-change parts at each crash site and compare them to each plane's maintenance logbook. But there has been no known NTSB, FBI or independent investigation of the so-called jetliner crash sites. Government and media tell us to believe without proof that four "hijacked" commercial jets vanished within 80 minutes that morning without a trace of bodies, blood, luggage, or cargo. Disappearance may be routine in the Bermuda Triangle but it is unprecedented in the northeastern United States. Big Boeing crash sites are extremely messy, with 3 million plane parts, bodies, limbs, blood, seat cushions, books, purses, spectacles, luggage, cargo and many other materials strewn about. We repeat, four Big Boeings vanished with nary a trace, leaving no reliable evidence of debris. This is so stunning that it rivals total destruction of three steel-framed skyscrapers on the same day at the WTC, the only total disintegrations (allegedly) caused by fires in history. Yet supposedly it is "crazy" to challenge the airliner crash data. Some sentences of Morgan Reynolds, which should make us more thoughtful.....
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Interior Design, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Religion, Romance
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Interior Design, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Religion, Romance