
Who is Leann Markowski?

Leann Markowski

Leann Markowski
BirthdayThursday, October 25, 1973
Member SinceWednesday, May 12, 1999
Last ActivityMonday, June 25, 2007
LocationMilwaukee, Wisconsin, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me



Who am I? I'm the girl next door, you just haven't met me yet and there are a gazillion people out here!


Throughout our lives I've worn just a few hats and have been called a Jane of ALL Trades! Here a just a few of my most prized positions. Soldier, MOTHER, student, friend & Entrepreneur. I spend most of my time working or with my kids. I'm very ambitious, smart, serious, and kind of goofy. I believe I have a pretty well-rounded personality. It must be that good military training.

I am from Alaska & live in Wisconsin via a very long story and am now a single parent again with two wonderfully smart, and lovingly adaptable children. My son is 12 and my daughter is 8. I am working passionately and dilligently to provide the lifestyle that we three deserve!


I've worked since I was 14 years old. Mostly waitressing. I dropped out of highschool in the 11th grade and then went back a year later & graduated 5 months ahead of my original graduating class. I also earned a B.S. Business going part-time since 1994. It's not important how fast you get there, it's that you get there (that is, if it floats your boat). I also have a PHD - that's Professional Herbalife Distributor!!




My favorite shoes are loafers from Target. I am definitely not a girly girl and prefer to dress comfy. My weakness is Pretty Pleases!! I am definitely afraid of failure AND I use it as a medium to drive me forward. I love mexican food. I must have been an old spanish woman in my previous life. My mom says she wants to be just like me when she grows up. I'm living until I'm 100 and when I grow up, I want to be happy. I love Cherry Pepsi. I DO NOT SMOKE & YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER. I like to line dance, but I haven't done it for years. When I swear, I cover my mouth and say I'm going to hell. I sing like a frog and will only sing karaoke if I am drinking (which is not very often) so you're safe.


Laptops and the Internet are the best things since soft, BUTTERED bread. Cheapest entertainment & education in a box. Unless you count the toy in the cereal box. I LIVE ONLINE. Feel free to IM me with myspace instant messenger when you see me online. We all need each other to grow as people and as a community.


Personal development and education are a "HUGE" part of me!! I can be, do, or have anything!! I love the "Law of Attraction" and am now starting to see all the work I've done on myself. I'm very excite to know that I CAN create the life that I want!



I got sick in 2001 with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, crohns, MS and a few other things. I was medically discharged from the Army in 2003 after 10 years and my life was destroyed. My doctors told me April 2006, that I was BEYOND western medicine and see a Chinese Holistic Doctor! I prayed for a sign. Well it came in the form of a Herbalife Leaf Logo. What do I do with that smoke it? LOL After 3 DAYS of taking the Quickstart Program WHATEVER I had for 5 years magically disappeared and I was bouncing off the walls with energy and people at my job asked me if I was on drugs! Over the next 4 months, my health improved an no signs of illnesses. I lost 34 lbs, 37" and went from a sz. 16 to a sz. 6 AND I lost my doctors! I also felt like I was 19 again! I am forever thankful and grateful to Herbalife. I have my life back and can enjoy my children again!

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Kathy Hamilton - (4/27/2007 12:21:41 PM) : Hello, and welcome,
great website,I am here if you need anything,
Kathy Hamilton/
