
Who is Milton Southerland?

Milton Southerland

Milton Southerland
BirthdayThursday, August 5, 1948
Member SinceFriday, October 26, 2001
Last ActivitySaturday, August 12, 2006
LocationChatsworth, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hmmm...about me. I'm getting old and my story is getting longer. I started out on a farm as a sharecropper, really...then we looked after some cows, chickens and the hay fields. I've worked many full days after school. I served in the Marines a long time ago when there was little outside respect for the uniform. I've put up a three ring tent for a traveling evangelist and helped raise a family. My wife is my best friend.  I like to write, paint, play chess, watch our grandchildren grow up and am always wondering about that conspiracy that 'obviously' does not exist in the world and have often wondered why 'they' do not have names. I love church although I can rarely sit long enough to attend anymore. I am in constant pain from a disease that I cannot pronounce but cannot be spread through computers :) .  I want to be successful online but not at any cost. Life? I like it. It is like a beautiful scene of rolling mountains and hills with lots of ups and downs.
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Walter Thomas Jr - (2/12/2006 6:16:26 PM) :
I believe Milton will be a great access to our AdlandPro Community. I look forward to helping Milton, and I expect Miltom to help
to help Me!!!

And let me know?


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