
Who is Josephdiego Diamante?

Josephdiego Diamante

Josephdiego Diamante
BirthdayMonday, October 23, 1961
Member SinceThursday, April 21, 2011
Last ActivitySunday, June 12, 2011
LocationNew York City, New York, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My Goal Is Your Success!
JosephDiego Diamante,
I know why your here; To find a better way. So Congratulations, your on the right path.
Hello Ladys & Gentalmen. I'm JosephDiego and not too long ago I was sitting home waiting for that phone call to go back to work for just another lay-off. I was living week to week, day by day. The bills and the disconnect notice's were just pilling up. I knew that something had to change, that something was "ME". So I did just as you are doing right now. I was fortunate enough to find an online company that worked for me the 1st time around and it's been a wonderful ride, I haven't looked back since then.
My Goal is to meet you, become friends. Hopefully we can help each other grow and achieve Massive Success.
My Interests
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Cheryl Maples - (10/23/2011 5:31:10 AM) : Happy Birthday, Josephdiego! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Peter Carminati - (6/2/2011 11:47:40 PM) : Hi, Josephdiego, Welcome to AdlandPRO where MLM is ALL about YOU! No products or companies are promoted. Our mentoring is FREE. Do you want a company? Need support? YOU can have it all in Success In 10 Steps. Brand & promote Yourself. Spot the frauds. Find partners for Your Team. My system is universal & Free. I'm here to support you.
Ethel Van Zanten - (6/2/2011 1:07:38 AM) : Hi Josephdiego, welcome and I am looking forward to talking with you. I am part of a group that you might be interested in.Talk to you later.
Todd Childers - (5/10/2011 3:57:04 PM) : Great looking Blog and hope all is going well with LGN. If not check out my profile.-Todd
Todd Childers - (5/10/2011 3:51:48 PM) : Good to meet you Josephdiego..hope you find much success as I have here on AdlandPro.-Todd
Ralph White - (4/22/2011 7:34:32 PM) : Greetings fellow Adlandpro member. Hope you have a great day.
