About Me
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About Me
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Hello, First off, I'd like to thank everyone for the warm welcome! Cool place to be when folks are that friendly, or is there a sinister ulterior motive? Be that as it may, seems like a good bunch and I'm pleased to be part of it. Hope I can provide some useful input to pay my way, so-to-speak. As you can probably tell, I'm a little on the verbose side, I write a lot as a freelancer and can get carried away very easily. I'm also a certified herbalist with a blog; North Idaho Herbal Right now I'm a full-time student at Rasmussen College Online working on a degree in Business Administration. Already have one in Cultural Anthropology (hence the herbalist), Project Management and several certifications in the info/tech arena. I'm pretty new at affiliate marketing, about 8 months under my belt and am just starting to see some revenue, spotty but very welcome. My sites are mainly subs like Affiliate Agendas R Us and Affiliate Agendas/Disaster Survival As you can probably tell, I live in North Idaho (very different from Boise in the south). I share a three room cabin on 10 heavily wooded acres with my 160 lb chocolate Labrador Retriever "Bubba" and an indeterminate number of cats.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Friends, Lifestyle, Religion, Alumni, Languages, Learning, Politics, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Relaxation, Nutrition, Crafts, Writing, Art, History, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Modern Art, Blogs, Computers, Hardware, Internet, Video Games, News, Current Events, Music, Gambling, Lotteries, Biking, Hunting, Cars, Golf, Fishing, Gardening, Nature, Camping, Hiking, Dogs, Horses, Cats, Swimming, Football, Bowling, Tennis, Basketball, Skiing, Baseball, Soccer, Surfing
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, Marketing, Networking, Math, Teaching, Fitness, Medication, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Holistic, Crafts, Writing, Philosophy, Photography, Blogs, E-Books, Internet, Software, News, Current Events, Nature, Hiking