
Who is Carl Vitale?

Carl Vitale

Carl Vitale
BirthdaySunday, January 4, 1970
Member SinceWednesday, September 2, 2009
Last ActivitySunday, December 4, 2011
LocationBuffalo, New York, United States United States
About Me
About Me

My Education

Hamburg Senior High School
G.E.D., General 1985 – 1988

Graduated High School in 1988 with Honors

I Was Involved in the marching band, orchestra, band trips out of state etc.

Honors and Awards:
I was awarded the "teenager of the year" award in 1985 by the protective order of Elks Lodge

In 1987- 1988 I was awarded the "Most improved student of the year"
awarded by the protective order of Elks Lodge.

In February 27 1991 I received my Certificate of Graduation from the U.S. Navy Reserves.

Signed by Captain Gregg V.Southgate Of the U.S. Navy.

What I Specialize In

I am a Health and Wellness Mentor and Life Coach, PC Personal Safety Technical Adviser.

I Believe In You

Carl Vitale~~~~

716-936-2226 (anytime)

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