
Who is Harold Coram?

Harold Coram

Harold Coram
Member SinceMonday, August 6, 2001
Last ActivitySunday, August 5, 2012
LocationHayti, Missouri, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Hello, my name is Harold Coram.

I was born in 1937 in a cotton patch here in Southeast Missouri.

My education spans from going to a one-room country school from the 3rd grade thru the 7th grade. Finishing the eight grade at a city school. Then finishing high school at another city school.

Three days after graduating High School, I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. I was sent to school to become an aircraft mechanic, training on B-36's which at the time was the biggest plane in the skys. After tech school, I volountered to go overseas to Libya, North Africa. During this tour, I tried to get into fighter pilot school but was turned down because of a heart murmer. Later, I cross-trained into becoming a Management Analyst.

After this tour of duty in North Africa, I returned home and married the love of my life and we've been together ever since. I was then transferred to Westover AFB in Massachusetts were we spent 5 LONG winters. During this tour, we had a son and a daughter born into our family. Also, I cross-trained again into Production Control.

Following my tour at Westover, we were transferred to Little Rock AFB in Arkansas and I was assigned to a B-58 squadron as Chief of Production Control.

During this tour we had another addition to our family....a daughter. During this tour is when I started on the path to higher education. Also, during this tour I again cross-trained to become a Managment Anaylst. I was sent to school in Denver Colorado for this purpose. Also during my tour at Little Rock is when I was introduced to Network Marketing.

Following my schooling in Denver, we were transferred to Columbus AFB in Mississippi were I was assigned to the Management Engineering Team. I continued my higher education at Mississippi State College during this tour. After two years at Columbus, I was transferred to Southeast Asia during the height of the Vietnam war.

Following my tour in SEA, I was reassigned to Vandenburg AFB in California to the Management Engineering Team there. During this tour, I continued on my path to higher education. Also, our fourth child was born while at Vandenburg.

Following Vandenburg, I was reassigned to Carswell AFB in Texas....but only for one year. Strategic Headquarters selected me to be reasssigned to Blytheville AFB in Arkansas as Team Chief of the Engineering Team there. It was at Blytheville that I finally received my B.S. degree from Park College. I had a split major in Business Administration and Economics. Also during this time, I started on my M.S. degree in Operations Management, and completing that in record time of less than one year. On the side, I taught courses at Mississippi County Community College. I finally retired from the USAF from Blytheville in 1975 after 20 years, one month, and one day.

During my AF career, I received 3 Presidental Unit Citations and the Air Force Commendation Medal.....and various other lessor medals.

After my retirement from the USAF, my wife Shirley and I decided we would begin our Network Marketing career in earnest. We established our company called Professional Downline Builders. However during this time, I was enticed to take a position as Office Manger and Accountant for our local rural electric co-operative.....and spent ten wonderful years doing that job. Also, was elected as President of the Missouri Rural Electric Co-operatives Accounts Association during this time.

After 10 years at the co-op, a friend of mine offered to sell me a half interest in his company called Advantage Herb Company. I jumped at the offer and we built that company from around 12 thousand costumer/distributors to nearly 85 thousand over the next 3 years. We had many Nashville super stars using our herbal fomulas. Some of the better known ones included Johnny Cash, Ronnie Milsap, Clint Black, Roy Orbison and the like. It was during this time that I first met the soon to be biggest star of all.....Garth Brooks. Garth was just starting out in the music business and convinced me to buy a tour bus and he would lease it from me until he made it BIG. For nine months, I drove Garth and the band on tours all over the states. Finally, he was in position to buy his own bus. Ladies, not matter what you've heard about Garth....he was an absolute gentleman at all times. During this time is when I sold my half of Advantage Herb Company back to my partner at a very healthy profit I might add.

Since 1991, my wife and I have put our efforts soley into Network Marketing. We've had some failures along the way, but we learned WHAT works for us. During this time we've built solid organizations with Life Force International and Global Health Trax. Some would say that we are in that magical group of the 5 percenters. Currently, we are heavily involved with Fruta Vida Plan along with several other smaller activities.

Our philosophy is: Don't keep all your eggs in one basket.....and have multiple baskets. It's like the stock market......diversify, diversify, diversify.

We enjoy what we do. We have the time and the money to enjoy our family and do some traveling plus we receive much gratification in doing charity work.

Well, I hope you've learned a little bit about Harold Coram, The Man With A Plan.

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Harold Coram - (9/25/2010 8:46:06 PM) : Thanks Mary for the kind words. I don't do Adland as much as I used to.
Mary Hofstetter - (9/25/2010 7:32:26 PM) : Hi Harold, how did you elude me for so many years. Just found you and added you to my friends list. Thanks for being here.
Phillip Black - (9/15/2010 12:43:14 AM) : Hi Harold. I understand that you are celebrating a Birthday this week. Just wanted to stop by to Wish You the Happiest Of Birthdays as well as a Wonderful Week. As Always, Thanks for being my Friend here at Adland. Phil
Sara Gardner Blow - (5/28/2010 1:55:48 PM) : Hello, it is good to meet you Harold. You have been a longtime member of Adland!!
Lawton Owen - (2/6/2006 5:55:55 PM) : I appreciated your detailed "About Me." You gave a history that gives considerable insight into you as a person, as well as you as a career military man, a business man, and specifically as a network marketer. (Please excuse the long sentence.)
Harold Coram - (2/6/2006 5:55:55 PM) : Thank you Lawton.

