
Who is Charron Tann?

Charron Tann

Charron Tann
Member SinceSaturday, August 1, 2009
Last ActivityTuesday, November 16, 2010
LocationCharleston, West Virginia, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
Born in the United States of American. My Sunrise is August. Knowing LIFE is to short to sweat the small stuff. Blessed knowing in this country there are many opportunities. For me having been introduced to Trivita,Inc is one. Todays crashing economy is difficult for everyone.To be productive on the job, or worrying about loosing one paying bills,loosing your home,sending your kids to college, immune system, or eating properly. For me choosing Trivita was one of my best choices it allowed me to use my products while making a good income. Many are stressed from worry and drained from overworked or health problems.Always trying to make bad a thing good and having the spirit to go on no matter what happens. Growing up was not easy learning to become responsible was my Mothers Goal she instilled that in all of us. She taught us to use saving bonds and no matter what kind of job you may have be good at it. As I look around at the growing America I feel the need to thank our US SOLIDERS for making the United States safe,their brave and courageous duties fighting for our country.I realize has allowed me to introduce vitamins that gives energy and health support to keep our bodies strong as we endure daily life. The job with Trivita may not mske me rich but it's good to know I have a chance to help keep others and myself healthy while earning a income. Never give up always be positive stay healthy and do this with Trivita. Be Blessed Avoid The Stress use Trivita Vitamins Charron, Indpendent Business Affiliate 12999442.
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Bernard O'keefe - (12/4/2012 8:01:13 AM) : Hi Charron from the Land of Oz. ITBO 13083263 - any activity within your TV Group?
Missy Johnson - (8/13/2011 8:26:40 AM) : Just stopped to say Hi
Paul Hanusit - (8/1/2011 4:20:00 AM) : Hi Charron, I just sent friend request to you a while ago. By the way, I had a good news for you and anyone who desires to have home based business by using the products they already had to start with. This webinar tell you all! Have a blessing day!
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Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/29/2010 5:03:56 PM) : Hello my friends, "Happy New Year" A time to share with your family and friends.
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (12/27/2010 3:33:28 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you? Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship... Bob and Shirley Stay In touch,
Ralph White - (9/9/2010 8:20:34 AM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!
Eron Miah - (6/30/2010 7:53:30 PM) : we are helping people to do international business with out investing or risk. if you like to help your friends and family or yourself. Log on to:
Beth Schmillen - (5/24/2010 5:47:00 AM) : I hope you're having a special Day! Get FREE S&H Sample for Painful hands, wrists, joints? I got mine and it is so soothing and relieves my shoulder/neck pain! get free Product or AFF ------- -------------
Jack Sunshine - (2/26/2010 4:53:01 PM) : WELCOME TO ADLAND CHARRON Distributors Needed Urgently It's easy and it's fun to earn extra money as a Sunshine Distributor. CALL 1-800-7674469 For more Information and receive a FREE catalog 1-800-767-4469...Toll Free URL:


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