
Who is James Brooks?

James Brooks

James Brooks
BirthdayFriday, July 17, 1953
Member SinceMonday, October 6, 2008
Last ActivityFriday, July 24, 2009
LocationMississauga, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me


Once in a life time, a really big opportunity may come our way, and when it does, our job is to recognize and seize it! I believe this is that time.

We were first drawn to Max International because of the owners, the largest TV marketers in the world Guthy-Renker and Steven K. Scott. They currently sell over $2 billion per year with products like the Total Gym with Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley, and Proactive Skin Care with Jessica Simpson. Steven Scott is also a life coach with 6 best-selling books to his credit including 'Mentored by a Millionaire' and 'The Richest  Man Who Ever Lived'.
When Guthy-Renker and Steven K. Scott discovered MaxGXL The Glutathione Accelerator, they knew they had their next billion dollar product and partnered to form Max International.  Steven K. Scott said, "There is no single factor in business that has more ability to accelerate success than effective partnering!” You are being extended an opportunity to partner with them and our team of successful entrepreneurs.
So what is Glutathione? It is your body’s master anti-oxidant and the good news is, your body naturally produces it. To learn about glutathione and why you need it, watch the following YouTube video:
 “Glutathione: The Mother of all Antioxidants” (9 minutes) at
Additional benefits of raising Glutathione levels in our body may be found on the US government website for published medical papers ( search for "glutathione"). There you will find over 83,000 papers written on the subject of how glutathione protects and benefits your body’s cells. Doctors have known about the benefits of glutathione for years, but did not know how to effectively increase it in the body until Dr Robert Keller developed MaxGXL “The Glutathione Accelerator”.
Outlined are the results of MaxGXL’s summary of reportable benefits from the double blind, placebo controlled, crossover Clinical Study. In only 60 days of use, MaxGXL users have:
-  Experienced an average increase in intracellular glutathione levels of 292%. Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant and normally decreased by 10% to 12% per decade in healthy adults, and more in adults who are ill.
 -  Experienced a 37% decrease in TNF. Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha is one of the three most significant markers of cellular inflammation. And cellular inflammation is associated with almost every disease.
There is an abundance of clinical literature from government sources such as the National Institute of Health in the United States that show clinical studies involving the role of glutathione in treating numerous ailments and diseases.
Research shows that numerous diseases are associated with reduced glutathione levels.
MaxGXL is clinically proven to significantly increase production of glutathione.


What can you expect when you use MaxGXL:
Improved energy levels
Increase in the Quality of Sleep
Improved Mood
Improved Mental Focus
Decrease in Aches and Pains
Increased Cellular Detoxification
Reduction in Cellular Inlammation
Increase in your immune system
 Visit the website for information about MaxGXL, its clinical study and Composition Patent, Dr Robert Keller and the Company. Click on ‘Max Video’ on the top menu bar to enjoy videos about MaxGXL, Dr Keller, the owner’s vision, and the Max Opportunity and Lifestyle.
Guthy-Renker and Steven K. Scott, the largest and most successful TV marketers in the world, believe that when they launch their infomercial advertising campaign with MaxGXL this year, the demand will be so high that an additional marketing strategy was required!  Social Marketing was chosen as the best method for the distribution of this unique product. With Guthy-Renker and Steven K. Scott’s remarkable marketing success, this break-through product and Guthy-Renker's strategic global offices, Max International is poised to join the billion dollar companies in this industry.  Still in its infancy, yet well established, now is the perfect time to partner with us! We are on the cusp of becoming a household name brand, the growth will be explosive!
Steven Scott has said "we have helped dozens of companies achieve $100 million in sales, yet we are more excited about this than anything we have ever done and we are committed to provide a Social Marketing opportunity that is unlike anything that has ever been out there. We see Max as being the all-time giant in Social Marketing some day and we will do things that nobody in business history has ever done before".
TO RECAP:  As social marketing creates more millionaires each year than any other industry, what do you think is going to happen when Guthy-Renker and Steven Scott add their billion dollar product creating skills and advertising, with this clinically-proven, composition-patented glutathione accelerator ?
Do your due diligence:
1. The product: MaxGXL The Glutathione Accelerator
2. Effective Partners: Guthy-Renker, Steven K Scott, Dr. Robert Keller
3. Our Team: Successful entrepreneurs and proven Success System
4. Trends: Health and Wellness and Home-Based Business
Contact us for more information, kindest regards
James Peter Brooks  905-990-1629 or 416-524-1321
Website Information:  Click on "about Dr. Keller'
My websites:  To learn about the business opportunity:
                                              To learn about Max GXL:


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