About Me
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About Me
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Been floating around in cyberspace for the last few years since learning how to turn on the computer. Slowly gravitated towards Internet Marketing as a means of generating additional income with the end goal being able to provide a more enjoyable level of retirement. Background consists of a few different parts that include the first twenty years working in the great outdoors in Mining, Construction, Plant Operating etc. Next twenty focus on the more intense indoors working in Welfare Related fields dealing with Homeless People from as wide a variety of backgrounds, ages, circumstances etc that you could imagine. Last few years as a part owner of a cleaning business servicing Newcastle and the Lower Hunter River area. It's different and I have to say it is more often rewarding than working in welfare. The time frames are the main difference. Cleaning is more of an Instant Gratification compared with the months and years that are invariably involved in the rehabilitation of a person and their life. Having said that though, I've had some wonderful times attending marriages, births and graduations etc with people I've come to know and respect over many years.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Affiliates, Marketing, Networking, Bizopp, Family, Friends, Kids, Lifestyle, Languages, Learning, Politics, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Fitness, Relaxation, Nutrition, General Health, Male Health, Holistic, Vitamins, Reading, Puzzles, Writing, Art, Philosophy, Photography, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, TV, Audio/Video, News, Current Events, Radio, Music, Biking, Cars, Gardening, Nature, Camping, Hiking, Birds, Swimming, Tennis, Surfing
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Friends, Lifestyle, Learning, Math, Psychology, Self-Development, Teaching, Relaxation, General Health, Vitamins, Reading, Writing, Law, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, Audio/Video, News, Current Events, Cars