
Who is Ian Clarke?

Ian Clarke

Ian Clarke
Member SinceWednesday, September 19, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, October 31, 2012
LocationCongleton, England, United Kingdom United Kingdom
About Me
About Me


I live in Cheshire UK with my wife Val. We are blessed with three children (two girls and a boy) and three grand children.(Again two girls and a boy!) Our son has worked for Nike in Portland for the past fifteen years and just loves the States. We get over every couple of years

I have been a civil engineer ( freeways, public works etc..) and video producer.(mainly training and product promotion) Now I'm semi retired and have become a part time Search Agent. You are probably asking what a Search Agent is! Well I research information on properties that are going up for sale....planning applications, building regulation approvals, rights of way and much more....

I have been developing on line businesses for ten years.

If you want an easy life (Who doesn't?!!!) you need autoresponders, ad trackers, list builders ........ 12 Second Commute offers all of these essential tools and much more on a 30 day FREE TRIAL. Take a look.

I would be very interested in discussing your own on line business and experiences

All the best with your endeavours.


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James Mckenzie - (7/20/2010 3:46:28 PM) : Hi Ian, It's nice to meet you here at AdlandPro, the place where many connections are made, and it’s good to have you as my friend, James
Nerissa Mcleod - (7/15/2010 10:39:08 AM) : hi there, thanks for asking,i've been a swom member for quite a few months i'm promoting Extreme Cash Robot
Luis Miguel Goitizolo - (6/6/2010 11:07:22 AM) : Hello Ian, Thanks for the kind invitation to be friends. Best Wishes,Miguel
Michael... Clayton - (6/3/2010 10:16:56 PM) : Hi Ian nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
Felix Alexander - (5/22/2010 6:20:43 PM) : Shalom Beloved Ian In Jesu! To Your Utmost Potential Growth! I appreciate You dearly! You deserve respect & success! Your Faithful Friend For Life! Felix Alexander; missionary In Christ-Jesus! 215-641-1659 anytime
Mose Hardy - (5/22/2010 4:34:00 PM) : Hey Ian Welcome to Adland how about ending the new year right!
John Mcgill - (2/14/2008 4:06:48 AM) : Hi Ian,
I am already a member of UVME, but I have really not had time to promote it.

I am to busy selling Jewellery Offline.

I also sell it Online, at:


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