About Me
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About Me
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Hi Everyone, thanks for stopping by! I am so glad to be a part of the Adlandpro Community.
I have been married to Mark for 34yrs. We have four older children, 3 boys and 1 girl. She is the youngest, 18yrs old. She still is at home but is planning to move soon. That is going to be hard for me to let my only daughter go!My oldest son, Jeremy has a band called The Juliets. You can check them out on myspace.com/julietsband. My son is very talented and his music keeps getting better!My youngest son, Jeffrey also is in a band called Hallway at myspace.com/hallwayspace. My middle son, Jason is very artistic and can play the guitar.My husband, Mark is an excellant guitar player and has been a pastor for over 30 years. He is currently pastoring at Grace Christian Church in Livonia.I am surrounded by musicians. Help!About a year ago I worked as a day care assistant for infants and toddlars. I loved taking care of the babies but physically is was getting to hard. I had to quite. I also had a couple of nanny positions before that. Since then I have had several online jobs. I now work as a travel agent assistant for a travel agency for the disabled. I love it because the people working for this travel agency are totally dedicated to finding the best itinerary and accommodations possible for the disabled and their loved ones. Jon Robinson, our owner, was inspired to start this travel agency after being handicapped from a car accident in 1996. He really has a desire to make travel for the disabled as easy and enjoyable as possible. He is a great person! I am excited that I am part of the team! Check out our website at enabledtraveler.com. We are currently in the process of updating our website and will be on cable TV soon! If you know a friend or family member that is disabled and wants to take a vacation or short term trip please have them call me at 248-489-9379. We can help them find traveling companions if needed, on activities available and putting travel insurance in place. Don't forget to send me a message or invite me to be your friend. Blessings to all of you, Lucille
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Networking, Family, Friends, Homemaking, Alumni, Crafts, Reading, Shopping, Movies and Film, TV, Music