
Who is Jillyan Walker?

Jillyan Walker

Jillyan Walker
BirthdayFriday, November 6, 1959
Member SinceThursday, August 30, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, November 30, 2007
LocationComo, Mississippi, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Former Paralegal with over 20 plus years of legal experience.  I am called by many names, mom, babe, gan'ma, and Jillyan by my friends. 


I enjoy the financial freedom that I have found with my new business and enjoy all the friends I have made along the way.  Its fun to be apart of a team that is so successful and being with others that are reaching such amazing financial goals along the way.


When I am not working at home with my business, I am riding my horses on my 35 acre estate and taking in all the small pleasures that I have been blessed with in my life.


I enjoy my grandson, he is the apple of my eye and the holder of the key to my heart.  His giggles make my day and are the greatest sound the Dear Lord has given me.


I love my life and all that have entered into it and I look forward to learning new lessons.  I am looking foward to meeting and making new friends and associates here in AdLandPro.

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Joelees Wholesale - (8/30/2007 8:09:43 PM) : Hi Jillyan,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Jillyan Walker - (8/30/2007 8:09:43 PM) : Wow a 10! I am so grateful.

Pleasure is mine...

Be well

