
Who is Pete Jett?

Pete Jett

Pete Jett
BirthdaySaturday, November 21, 1953
Member SinceThursday, August 23, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, February 29, 2012
LocationLiberty Lake, Washington, United States United States
About Me
About Me
For many years I was in the outdoor sports industry, specifically the manufacturing and international marketing of canoes and kayaks. This was a very successful endeavor culminating in the selling of our business (Dagger Kayaks) in 1998. Since then I have relocated from Colorado to the Spokane area of Washington State, where my wife and I have a small 10 acre ranch overlooking the Spokane Valley. We currently have 4 horses which we train and ride quite often, weather permitting. We also have 2 dogs...a whippet, and an Italian Greyhound.

My business, Jett Advertising, works with national and (primarily) local businesses to helping them with low cost solutions to get a flood of prospect for their products or services.

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Janet Goss - (7/4/2009 5:08:28 PM) : Hi My name is Janet and I also lve in
Liberty Lake and I saw your profle very interesting


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