About Me
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About Me
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Hello Everyone Some of things I enjoy are, Fishing, working with others, Camping, cook outs, spending times with family and friends, I also enjoy Helping people succeed and watching them enjoy life, if you are needing help in your business we can help. How are you doing today, I have been in network marketing for 9 years, spent many of those years failing. One of the major reasons for my failure, was not having a duplicable system that anyone can copy. Another reason was not having a "mentor with a servant's heart " (you know, the kind of person who really is interested in your success.) Well, I am thrilled to say I have found both, a mentor and a system that works, no matter what company you belong to. http://hopper4.mentoringforfree.com/?mad=17235 At "Mentoring For Free," that? is what we offer to anyone who is struggling to find true success in network marketing. You will discover that building a successful network marketing business is not hard to do, and you can have tons of FUN doing it. That? is why I enjoy helping people avoid years of failure and frustration in their Network Marketing business, it gives me great joy to see the look on their faces when they finally get it. Network marketing is NOT about companies or products, it is about building life long relationships. Once they get that from their head to their heart, their business explodes. http://hopper4.mentoringforfree.com/?mad=17235 What most people are taught early in this business is flat out wrong and does not work in the real world. Sometimes it's because your up line just passes down the same information that was given to them and they just don't know any better. Other times you are just plain being lied to. If you are struggling and feeling like a failure, or even if you are doing ok but not making the income you were led to expect, I want you to know that it's NOT your fault! "Helping the World Succeed one person at a time" http://hopper4.mentoringforfree.com/?mad=17235 " We Believe in You !! A proud member of the ( Success Team Builders ) Keith Hoppe hoppergogetter@yahoo.com 1-952-486-8593
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Kids, Self-Development, Teaching, Cards and Games, Reading, Jokes and Quotes, Photography, Music, Gardening, Nature, Dogs, Football