
Who is Karen Papin?

Karen Papin

Karen Papin
Member SinceThursday, March 22, 2007
Last ActivityTuesday, January 20, 2009
LocationHenderson, Nevada, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Want to know what my day's like? Well, I get out of bed in the morning (no alarm clocks for me!) and go over to my laptop. I login to my work account and check my stats, and see how much money I've made. Its really addicting to watching my numbers go up, so I find myself checking them a few times a day!

I usually make myself some coffee and go on a half hour run. When I get back, I shower and then start 'working'.

And I never have to deal with traffic! I get up when I want, and work when and if I want! This lifestyle is like no other. I love what I do, and feel blessed every single day. I answer to no one but MYSELF! I do every thing according to MY schedule.

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Joe Liu - (8/2/2007 11:26:59 PM) : wide open interests,beauty
Joelees Wholesale - (6/15/2007 8:47:42 AM) : Hi Karen,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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