
Who is Shontel Maple?

Shontel Maple

Shontel Maple
BirthdayThursday, June 12, 1975
Member SinceTuesday, May 16, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, March 12, 2009
LocationRedford, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (2)
Interests: Movies and Film
Industries: Law
Comments (2)
Friends (57)
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Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (5)
Ads (1)


Bob And Shirley Rushing - (11/27/2009 12:13:31 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirley
Rob Vela - (2/15/2007 11:59:16 AM) : yes ppl is a great product and it helped me get out of a few legal jams in the past but the ultimate question of the day is could you use this to showcase and compliment your fine online offer?

Prosperous Reguards,

Rob Vela


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