
Who is Dorothy Akerman?

Dorothy Akerman

Dorothy Akerman
BirthdayFriday, March 23, 1951
Member SinceThursday, November 3, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, May 14, 2007
LocationLexington, North Carolina, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I work in home health and trying to do some networking at home. I am new at networking so I am slow and i make a lot of mistakes.
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Jack Sunshine - (3/2/2010 2:53:53 AM) : HELLO DOROTHY Sunshine Jewelry can offer you a way to make good money showing our jewelry catalog book Many of our distributors are making good money from Home and you can do the same you can make it Full Time or Part Time just call us and mention ADLAND to receive a FREE CATALOG call 1-800-767-4469
Designated Driver Of America Inc - (7/6/2006 12:55:55 PM) : I work in home health and trying to do some networking at home. I am new at networking so I am slow and i make a lot of mistakes.

I would be gald to help for FREE I have already nade most of the mistakes myself and i can show you for FREE how to avoid then

Henry Hilley DD
Dorothy Akerman - (7/6/2006 12:55:55 PM) : Thank you Henry for your rating . And thank you for the offer to help. I sure can use all the help I can get.
To your success
Dorothy Akerman


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