
Who is Brian Hayden?

Brian Hayden

Brian Hayden
BirthdayMonday, March 10, 1986
Member SinceTuesday, October 18, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, January 1, 2006
LocationLakeside, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am 19 and live in california I like to snowboard and spend alot of time online making money, I am also into going to the casino and out to clubs with my friends.
My Interests
My Interests (4)
Interests: Art, Internet, Fishing
Industries: Marketing
Comments (2)
Friends (77)
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Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (3)
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Kathy Hamilton - (10/29/2005 9:49:14 PM) : hello, your site looks interesting,are you sure you know what your doing? your very young like my son,kathy
Brian Hayden - (10/29/2005 9:49:14 PM) : Thank You for your feedback. You have a son ?. WOW. Pardon me for saying this but you are a very good looking mother. Anyways Thank you for the 10 and about my site I have not finished it yet, I am a member of so many other sites that it forget about other things that I need to get done.


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