
Who is Bernard Lomax?

Bernard Lomax

Bernard Lomax
BirthdayMonday, August 11, 1952
Member SinceThursday, September 15, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, July 13, 2009
LocationPhiladelphia, Ohio, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I'm the business manager and partner for King of Kings WebDesign.

And maried 17 years to my darling wife Valerie, she helps us with the business.

We have been in the webdesign  business for 4 years in March.

My partner Doug Tillman and I enjoy bringing first class service to our clients.

It's not easy all the time but we do it never the less, because it is all about service to our clients.

My Interests
My Interests (6)
Interests: Religion, Music
Comments (2)
Friends (3)
Photos (0)
Groups (0)
Events (0)
Forums (0)
Ads (0)


Rolando Sifuentes - (4/1/2009 8:05:23 PM) : Hello Bernard:
I do not know what is meant by rating this what? Anyways I rated 9 because you are a symphathetic person.
I only wanted to thank you for accepting to be my friend.
Take care of yourself
Bernard Lomax - (4/1/2009 8:05:23 PM) : Hello Rolando

Thank you for your rating. I look forward to talking to you. I'm online now checking out a few of our clients website for updates.

God bless you and have a good day!

King of Kings Web Design
