
Who is Ron Armacost?

Ron Armacost

Ron Armacost
BirthdayThursday, May 29, 1947
Member SinceWednesday, May 11, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, April 24, 2006
LocationSekiu, Washington, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Lets see, I'm  Older than dirt, managed to raise three kids. Have the same spouse sense Aug of 1972. She says it's over 33 years, don't believe it, time going to fast. We live on the edge of the continent, in the Pacific Northwest. I've spent the past 20 plus years working in a State Prison, as a Correctional Officer.


My dream is to develop a residual income from the internet businesses that we are currently working on. That includes multiple streams of income. I've been studying Robert T. Kiyosaki's writings and hope to achieve the financial freedom he teaches. It would be great to be able to help others to achieve their hopes and dreams. Wouldn't it be to our best interest to develop the kind of income that would not require social security? It is beyond me why anyone would want to settle for a pension just to get by on.


Year after year we continue to see healthcare cost double or even triple while the coverage reduces, without explanation. Through internet research I've found that the Healthcare issues are Nationwide in the USA. Some have sought out solutions by going out of country to fill their needs.


   Worst yet is the staggering amount of people who have no health insurance at all. I can't help but wonder how do they manage without coverage.


Through the years of change in coverage I've also become aware that our healthcare professionals are unable to keep up with population. One company only had 23 Dr's listed, 8 were in a children's clinic, 14 of the remaining 15 were Not receiving new patient's. This caused us to change Doctor's and clinic's, which was a good thing. That caused a chain of events in examinations, testing, x-ray's and cat scans. The end results, surgery to remove cancer and save the kidney.


   We have changed our focus from things we cannot control to things that we can control. We have taken steps in pursuing and achieving Health by increasing our Immune System. I wouldn't say we have found any cures for any illnesses, but I think were now headed in a right direction.

In Aug. 2005, My Wife asked me to look this program over. In examining the Isagenix System over and checking it out on I reviewed the testimonies and was convinced that she found a Program that has proven to work.


 By  Oct. 27, She lost 48 pounds, down from size 24 to size 18. This is a first for her to actually down size in clothing. Even our Doctor is impressed and encouraging her to continue the program. We have friend's who have heart conditions on this program and are having success with it, while keeping their Doctor advised of their progress. Should you decide to check out my 4loveoflife site take the time to view the "Have It All" video.


We have made Isagenix a priority as it really is a life changing experience! Isagenix is giving people back the life and health they deserve. Through some research, there are on an average about 20 million people searching for weight loss programs per month. It is my mission to help as many people as possible for as long as I'm able. The link below will give you some insight to the why of this company.


   In reading Robert T. Kiyosaki's books I've found and agree that developing other income sources is a smart investment for anyone. If you want an eye opening experience, read;

        Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

        Rich Dad's Prophesy

   Helping others has become a mission in my life. Exchanging ideas and sharing has become one of our favorite past times. All are welcome to join us.


When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need. Take 60 seconds and give this a shot! All you do is simply say the following small prayer for the person who sent you this.


Father, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as he/she seeks to have a closer
relationship with you. Amen.



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Jack Sunshine - (2/20/2006 8:17:32 PM) : RON YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON, GOD BLESS YOU
