
Who is MariaMyrna Kim?

MariaMyrna Kim

MariaMyrna Kim
BirthdaySaturday, March 16, 1957
Member SinceFriday, February 18, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, November 11, 2008
LocationKyoto (京都市), Kyoto (京都府), Japan Japan
About Me
About Me
At present helping the Dumagat natives in Philippines have their livelihood by teaching how to make handicrafts such as bags made out of banana stalks and coconuts. Also looking for investors and financiers of JATROPHA and MINING such as copper, iron ore, manganese, chromite and etc. My trading company is looking for buyers of the above products!
My Interests
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Patrick Kim - (11/13/2011 6:22:27 PM) : ご推薦をしなくても手当を貰えるですって? わうー!本当? 全ての会員が一つのチームです。本当のグロバルチームつくり!他の真似を許さないんですね! 簡単で強力的で、革命的な、特許出願中である手当支給プラン! グロバル機会がインターネットを熱くしております。 53,150ドルを稼げるチケットを先着順に予約出来ます。売上の100%を手当としてお支払いいたします。嘘ではありません 無料でご加入下さい! – 加入しない理由はありません。 Email, skype: handinhand21
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (11/27/2009 12:01:05 PM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you?Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship...Stay In touch,Shirley
Neil Sperling - (7/9/2007 10:34:49 AM) : Maria Myrna - Great job - 103 more friends as of today and you will hit 500..... keep up the GREAT work.

I Invite you to drop by my business tips forum.... you may find something helpful... or even add a comment to a thread that will be helpful to others.

Andrew Dabrowsk - (11/2/2005 3:11:03 AM) : Maria Myrna is highly recommended!!!
MariaMyrna Kim - (11/2/2005 3:11:03 AM) : Excellent in training...
..Neutral to all of them...
....Generous to children...
.......Love has been given...
.........Isolation has been broken...
...........Sincere to international relations...
.............Harmony... is a great ambition...of

.............Canada's ENGLISH Camps School...!

Thank you very much for the warm recommendation...!

Thomass Jaymess Erskine - (8/24/2005 1:29:49 PM) : I am honored
Peace and Love
MariaMyrna Kim - (8/24/2005 1:29:49 PM) : Joy in your seen...
..Energy in all the writings...
....Felt like... God... is within...
......Friendly "Jeff" extending...
...................Peace & Love to the readers...!
.............................from my friend......
.............Thomass Jaymess Erskine....

Thank you very much for the very warm comment and rating...!

With Love and Prayers to you and your loved ones...!

Gregory Hastings - (8/23/2005 2:54:02 PM) : hi great amount of activites that you do. thanks for the invite.

to our success,

Greg Hastings

Ps have a look at this:
MariaMyrna Kim - (8/23/2005 2:54:02 PM) : It's indeed a great pleasure to be one of your friends.

I'm not doing great activities ... but, just paying gratitude to those who helped my parents.

Success will always be with you, for sure...!

Jackie Rose - (8/18/2005 1:42:45 PM) : Build a webpage. You can promote your Organization on your webpage too!



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