About Me
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About Me
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Hello my name is James Kimo Martin,
For all practical purposes I call myself Jim Martin since Kimo in the Hawaiian language is Jim.
I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. My dad was a field Artillery Officer in the US Army back prior to World War II and met my mom when he was stationed at Schoffied Barracks, in Wahiawa, Hawaii on the island of Oahu.
My dad was originally from Lincoln, Nebraska and attending a military boarding school there up until he graduated from High School, then he attended Denver's Teachers College and was commission in the Army upon graduated from college way back in the early nineteen thirties.
His first assignment was at Fort Sill Oklahoma then he was transferred to Fort Bliss back a few years prior to World War II. He was what they Army called an FDC Officer.He made it a point that (FDC) Fire Direction Center, were are brains of the Army Field Artillery.
He was quite the mathematician and those skills were required to make sure that the ole artillery pieces fired and hit the target they were aiming at.
I was just fascinated to hear my dad talk about coming from a long line of Indian fighters there in the Midwest and a proud family tradition just as the famous Johnny Carson who was raised in the same Midwestern cultural setting. LOL
He use to tell me when I was a little kid that he saw Wild Bill Hickock and Buffalo Bill and I was just fascinated with the history of America and it became my favorite subject in Junior High School and on into college.
My dads grandfather, Sgt John H. Martin was once assigned to Custer's 7th Calvary prior to the battle of Big Horn. He was transferred to another Calvary unit out in Kansas.
Great family history here, and of course my dear Mom.. Helen Kawainiaukai Keliipio was born on the Big Island of Hawaii in the Puna district. That is one of the areas the ancient Hawaiians settled when they migrated to Hawaii from the south pacific.
My grandfather was Issac Pono Keliipio a son of High Chief Alewa Keliipio of the island of Kaui. My grandfathers family were decedents of the original Hawaiian Royalty who ruled the island of Kauai back to the early migration of the Polynesians from the south pacific.
My mom moved us to the Big Island when World War II broke out when my dad was shipped out to fight the japanese in the south pacific.
We lived in Hilo, nice little town there on the Big Island. The population of the city back then was about 30K people.
I lived a normal middle class life in Hawaii, but was influenced very much by the culture of my mom with my moms family there also.
The family belonged to the local Congregational church which was a built by the original missionaries who migrated to Hawaii from New England and settled in Honolulu, then later sent out missionaries to the outer islands to continue destroying the Hawaiian culture.
When I say destroyed, the missionaries viewed native Hawaiians as uncivilized savages which was not the case. A bit of cultural imperialism here being commited.
The native Hawaiian culture my have been a stone age culture but it was a highly structured society with taboo's (laws) that governed the culture for complience purposes, etc.
Unfortunatley the missionaries convinced the ruling royalty to do away with a lot of the taboos and in doing so, the culture was completley destroyed. Native Hawaiians do not have great ties to their culture like the Samoans,and the Maori's do in our modern day society. It is an unfortunate situation where they have no leadership within the native Hawaiian community to guide them, as do the Samoan's and Maori's with their leadership structure already built into their communities..
The Big Island of Hawaii was a great place to grow up and I had a blast surfing, spear fishing I played basketball which was my favorite sport at the time.
My mom was a super lady, very personable and was able to do things that women just did not do in those days. She could get into a truck and drive it off , she was self-taught and I guess she instilled in me a sense of "can do" attitude, and I always took on challenges in life the same way.She instilled in me a sense of purpose and that I could do anything I put my mind to doing. Wow, what I life I've lived!
My background in sales and markeing spans back some 47 years where I worked in direct sales at age 18 then on into MLM with Amway and varous MLM opporunities like Herbalife.
I remember the Internet in it's infancy, back when we were buying the newPC's in the military from IBM for about $5K to $6K each along with the non-people friendly DOS operating system from Microsoft, interesting times!
We have come a long way,now that I see all this new technology coming out with the VoIP systems to the audio audio system. I'm a gadget person and I love it and starting using the talking website system to record a message to visitors at my new website.
09/20/05As I write this, my good friend the Reverand Peter Browne is lendng his expertise of over 10 years in website design to make my system tops in the industry.
To make a long story short, this coming Sunday, the 25th of September will mark my 47th year in this business.
As I reflect back on my past experience attending hotel and conference room LIVE opportunity presentations. Setting up displays and making presentations to groups of people. Those were the days, but now we use another venue,the Internet which is a whole different process of selling ones wares. More interesting!
Wow, those were the days!
But now with the modern technological ACHIEVEMENTS I am again excited since I can continue doing what I did years previously, conducting opportunity presentations LIVE online from the comfort of my home using the VoIP Communicator. NO hotels and conference rooms!
Boy, that is exciting to me! Who would think that this could be done in this day and age? WOW again!
I work what I call Multiple Income Streams
Enjoy your online experience, I do and it's just fantastic!
J. Kimo Martin
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Affiliates, Direct Selling, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Homemaking, Religion, Self-Development, General Health, Travel, Other Sports