
Who is Terrie Searer?

Terrie Searer

Terrie Searer
BirthdayWednesday, April 8, 1959
Member SinceThursday, August 7, 2003
Last ActivityMonday, May 16, 2005
LocationKentwood, Michigan, United States United States
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Ricky Majtyka - (4/24/2007 7:25:55 AM) : I think anybody who is out to better there health is a 10. Have fun marketing.

James Henry - (3/1/2007 2:19:13 AM) : hi
Richard Russell - (4/5/2006 6:31:41 PM) :


I see you are interested in Health.
So I sent you some info on Life Saving Knowledge and products!

Sensational New Scientific Health Breakthroughs Imagine if there was a cure for so-called incurable diseases that could be defeated through Orthomolecular (cellular) Medicine, why would some want to keep this a secret? How could this information not reach the front pages of your Newspaper, why is this information being suppressed, why are there only a privileged few that....(continued in the ASH Information Packet)
*These products are truly the discovery of the century, but you won't get this information from your medical doctor's office.

HEART DISEASE is the #1 killer in the USA. More than 1 in 3 Americans will get CANCER. DIABETES has risen 400% in 20 years. ALZHEIMER'S strikes 50% of people over 70.

Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Arthritis, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and most other illnesses plaguing mankind can be prevented and in many cases reversed.

INTRODUCING... ASH (Advanced Scientific Health)
ASH is a membership organization dedicated to provide essential products and Nobel prize winning discovery for the prevention of many of the illnesses plaguing mankind. Our mission is to make Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes and other illnesses a thing of the past. Do yourself a favor... visit my free website and share this with others. ====>
OPTION Be one of the High Income Earners!


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