
Who is Martha Bloom?

Martha Bloom

Martha Bloom
BirthdaySunday, July 17, 1955
Member SinceThursday, March 1, 2001
Last ActivityWednesday, February 13, 2008
LocationClearfield, Utah, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
Hello! My name is Martha Bloom. For 16 years I have been owner and manager of a retail nursery in Clearfield, PA named Bloom's Nursery. About 10 years ago I became interested in gourds and learning how to craft with them. After some time I added a line of decorated gourds at the nursery. The internet looked inviting and so now I have added a couple of web sites.

My latest adventure was becoming interested in liquid nutritional supplements. After using them myself and learning about the business I decided to become involved in sharing the product with others.

You can check out my web sites at these addresses.
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Mel Smith - (4/9/2008 1:52:44 PM) : Great website on Gourds Martha, Those are very pretty and impressive.I think your biz is a great thing to get prople to do things instead of just sitting around, great ideas.

If you want to find out how to keep yourself healthy checkout my blog

Your friend
Mel Smith 360-796-3334
Samuel Omweri - (12/16/2007 5:13:36 AM) : Dear Martha Bloom
I,m Samuel omweri from kenya
I,m very much interested to have friends from your county where by today i, meet you , i, hope we have to make good friendship I,m exporting handcrafts e.g soapstone carvings , wood carvings, baskets and others , i m interested to have more clients in your country , i, hope you will assist me to go through or be succesful.
Now i, wel come if you dont mind to visit my web page
i, hope to hear more from you
Yours faithful
Samuel .o. Nyagwang
Marilyn L Martin - (2/25/2007 12:00:42 PM) : Hello Martha,

I am giving you a rating of "10" because you deserve that and thensome! Martha is a very talented person and very take something like a gourd and make it a piece of artwork is absolutely amazing, and very ingenious! Martha is a very nice and kind lady with a heart of gold. She is very active in the Community and well liked by many! I am proud to have met her and call her my friend!

Take care Martha and God Bless You Always,

Marilyn Martin
Alison Jones - (4/13/2006 10:24:40 AM) : your gourds are beautiful i didnt realise there are so many different ways to decorate them!

Marion Tucker - (2/12/2006 4:06:47 PM) : Hello Martha,

What a wonderful website you have. I love plants! Do you sell them online as well?

I wish you all the best and many blessings!

God Bless!
Richard Russell - (12/15/2005 4:18:09 PM) : Hello

I see you are interested in Health

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OPTION: Earn Huge Income!

Yours For Health,


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