
Who is Robert Gray?

Robert Gray

Robert Gray
BirthdayThursday, November 18, 1948
Member SinceThursday, March 13, 2003
Last ActivityWednesday, June 10, 2020
LocationLancaster, South Carolina, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi. Thanks for stopping by. My name is Robert L. Gray. I am 56 years old. I was born in North Eastern Texas in a small town named Blossom. I'm a country boy and love it. I would not trade having been brought up in that environment for all of the tea in China. You Know--- Gardens full of fresh vegetables, Trees full of fresh fruit, livestock, fresh milk, eggs, air, plenty of space, fields and woods for hunting, pools and lakes for fishing and swimming. Loving parents, grandparents and all the neighbors and friends who helped to raise me. I’ve always placed a special emphasis on health and wellness as a consequence. I met my Lovely wife, partner and friend of 36 years in Koblenz, West Germany, while I was stationed at Flugplatz Hahn, West Germany. We have one son, a loving daughter-in-law and two grandchildren and one great grandson, born on our 31st wedding anniversary. My wife and her family was a continuing inspiration to my pursuit of health because her mother had been a good athlete in pre-war Germany and had a wealth of knowledge about health and wellness, my wife was a good athlete that had learned well from her mother and her brother played soccer at a very high level of competition. They introduced me to many of the pure foods, water, gourmet coffees, spas and healthy environments of West Germany. Due to my background and this inspiration, while at Hahn Air Base, even though I had only played a little basketball, ran a little track and played tuba in the band in High School, I became the most decorated Running back in their football history and the light heavyweight boxing champion of the US Armed Forces in Europe and had a chance to compete in the 1972 Olympic trials as a light heavyweight. I finally came to my senses though and realized that all of the physical prowress and conditioning in the world will not do me a bit of good in the eternal so in 1986 I became a born again Christian and started to feed my spiritual man with even more dilligence. Was ordained in 1992 and now being endowed with physical and spiritual health I thank God daily for his goodness and see to it that not one day passes without my sharing with my fellow sojourners upon this earth, wherever they may be. My upbringing and life experiences has led me to always seek out those 100% natural and pure products that boost and support the body, its organs and systems. I am not doctor bashing, but I do not believe in taking pharmaceuticals except in emergency situations. As a consequence I seek to prevent health problems through a healthy diet, exercise and the best natural supplements. I believe that I,ve found in one of the top 10 health juices in the world called TAHITIAN NONI JUICE, a gift from God, that dates back some 2000 years in French Polynesia. The company and people responsible for the harvesting, processing, bottling and distribution of this product to the world is all highly favored of God I believe because of the good it is doing for peoples health and wealth issues no matter where it is sold and consumed. We are personally experiencing very good benefits from it, my wife in particular. She has come off of her prescribed estrogen placemant regiment for the change of life and do not experience any more hot flashes and sleepless nights and working as a restaurant manager and part-time waitress she experiences more energy, vitality and resiliance as I do in my workouts and workdays as a CDL licensed driver. As a consequence we have become distributors of a product we are very confident in and proud of. I aforementioned Gourmet Coffees and have sought out one of the premier distributors of Gourmet Coffees in the world and have become a Internet Store owner of some of the world’s best coffees, teas and supplies. I also did my research on Coffee and Tea concerning the Caffeine dilemma and found ample scientific proof that coffee is not a health hazard as some advocate. I have an article entitled “Coffee The New Health Food” with Scientific, medical, neurological and epidemiological sources of verification. Please send a Private Message for more information. Thanks for stopping by. The Word of God tell us that if we desire friends we must show ourselves friendly. I pray that my true story has inspired the friendly spirit within you and you will also join my friends list. May God’s richest blessings continue to flow into the lives of you and yours.
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Linda Harvey - (7/13/2008 12:24:49 PM) : Awesome ! loved reading your About Me !

Great Life ! Hope you are enjoying the
journey !
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Hey Robert tell a bit more about Robert gray.

My personal profile is right here: Have a great day


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