
Who is Joe Simmons?

Joe Simmons

Joe Simmons
BirthdayFriday, July 22, 1955
Member SinceSaturday, July 1, 2000
Last ActivitySaturday, August 29, 2009
LocationEuless, Texas, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I am a Real Person, not some unknown entity hidden deep in a web site.

It is very easy to reach me from my site and I welcome all correspondence.

Visit with me at


I spent most of my life as an automotive technician. Health reasons forced me to retire somewhat early from my profession. That is when I started exploring the world of technology.


I have now made the transition from automotive technician to computer technician... I've always been a "Anything I can take apart, I can put back together again and make it work" type of guy.


I also have several Online Businesses that are doing very well. No, I'm not making hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, (yet) but I am doing very well with affiliate marketing.


I enjoy creating web sites from scratch using nothing more than Windows Notepad and a good idea. I like the challenge and it is very rewarding to see the finished product. The fact that I can actually make an income with my new found ability is like an added bonus!


Find some of the best deals on the Internet right here:



I also Own and Successfully Operate these sites:  


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Joelees Wholesale - (7/15/2007 10:40:18 AM) : Hi Joe,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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