
Who is Betty Williams?

Betty Williams

Betty Williams
Member SinceMonday, September 23, 2002
Last ActivityTuesday, May 5, 2009
LocationEl Paso, Texas, United States United States
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About Me
About Me


Good health is a key to a happy life.

That is what I like to promote in my internet businesses. is my site for Nature's Sunshine products.
Nature's Sunshine is a company with integrity and highly proven products.
Their product inspections have never had any negative reports.

My home webpage promotes other opportunities that I have found worthy.  
Comments and request for information are always welcomed.


Best place for internet shopping:

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Monica S - (7/18/2007 12:35:14 PM) : Hi Betty,

I rate you a 10 because you are a very sweet lady with a heart of gold.

The ones here that do not know you, do not know what they are missing.

I wish you the best in life and I am here if you ever need me!

Betty Williams - (7/18/2007 12:35:14 PM) : Hello Monica,
Thank you so very much for the rating and the
nice comments. The compliments are appreciated. I can only wish I could live up to them. I don't think of myself as being very sweet when I get discouraged and depressed. I do know the source to which to go and find that prayer is my answer to all problems. I do have many happy thoughts and memories. Getting with people, as those at the forums, gives me times to enjoy.

Monica, you are the sweet one and the many friends at the forums have expressed that. I wish you were my neighbor. It would be a blessing to know you in person. The forums are the next best thing and I enjoy being with the group. They give me lots of laughs. Even when I am alone, I laugh out loud.

My husband (in my profile picture) has been gone to his home in heaven for several years and my daughter has also gone there just in the past year. Just thought I should explain that. I am still adjusting to the situation and thus fight the depression. Your comments help a lot. Thanks again!

Hope to 'see' you are the forums tonight.
Bruce Glidden - (7/1/2007 7:20:57 PM) : Hello Betty,
Thank you for adding me as your friend, which will be an important part of your marketing success. We have Forums and Websites that are full of great ways to promote your Business. I am always here if you may need any assistance. Just look me up in your friends list...;-)
Betty Williams - (7/1/2007 7:20:57 PM) : Hello Bruce,
Thank you for your generous rating.
I am still learning the system and am
finding it very interesting.

I need to hear more about your business.
There was so much to see and read at
your site and it was very informative.
I decided to wait until I knew more about
it before I signed up. Keep in touch.

Best wishes for your success.
Joelees Wholesale - (6/13/2007 6:08:27 PM) : Hi Betty,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Betty Williams - (6/13/2007 6:08:27 PM) : Thank you, Joelees, for being my new friend.
It seems these nice comments come of the days when I need them the most.
I find networking shows me that life is not always lonely and sad. There are many great people out there who will seem close by even when they are miles away.

Again may you be blessed for showing you care enough to send a note and for the high rating. That brings joy to my heart!
David Rubright - (3/5/2007 12:27:55 PM) : Hi Betty,
Thanks for the message today, you have a nice website! As you will see from my profile I also live in Texas, I came here about 23 years ago from Upstate New York ( the nearest fastfood chain/stop light was about 20 miles away)

Take care and God Bless you,
David (210) 654-3911
( I'm giving away Natural Jerky, call me and I'll explain!)

P.S. I also feel this is a wonderful picture, just remember all the good times ya'll have had and think to yourself what you had so many people wish they could have had? Like the saying goes "it is better to have loved then lost than to never have loved at all"!
Betty Williams - (3/5/2007 12:27:55 PM) : Thanks for the rating.
I am not too smart with this internet business.
It is fun just to learn new things and to meet new people every day.

I went to your website and found it interesting. Natural Jerky seems to be the going thing. My son loves jerky and cannot understand why I don't. I will need to talk to him about this business that some of you are promoting. He wouldn't have time to work with it on the internet...but maybe if he is interested, I could do that for him.
He lives in Waco and has the Christian Radio Station there.

You say that you are also from Texas. Where in Texas are you? I haven't checked your may say so there. I tried to go back to it and wasn't allowed from this point. I will try directly when I send this.

Thanks again for responding to me group letter. I rate your site a 10 also, but I don't know where to enter it. Something else to learn.
Your friend,
Wayne Brice - (2/16/2006 7:56:46 AM) : hello betty
here is some information about me
i am 49 years old
i have three children and two granchildren
i run my business with ethics and intergety
please excuse the way my good riches site
looks right now.i am in the process of
adding new material in the next few days
the phone i promote the is the
opex home business for long distance and is some information on it
free long distance
free local calling
free voice mail
free call waiting
free 3-way calling
month to month terms
price 39.99 a month
this is going to help any business that wants is cater to the business person only
you can become an affiliate for free.
and then start making some money

thank you

wayne brice
Betty Williams - (2/16/2006 7:56:46 AM) : Hello Wayne.
Thank you for the rating. I am sorry I didn't
get the notice to respond sooner. If the notice did come to me, I missed it some way.
Could have been at one of my "down" days.

I do appreciate your note with the rating.
If you would like to...please send me your website again. You said you were working on it and making some additions. I would like to see what you have to offer. I do not have any extra long distance service. My son, who has a radio station in Waco, has a service and he calls me no cost other than the plan fee. I don't know what that is.

It has been so long, you may have fogotten you visited my I am adding it here to jog your memory. There are some other pages in addition to the one listed.

Your AdLandPro friend,


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