I'm sort of new to AdLandPro and still trying to navigate myself around all the portals. If I don't get back to you quickly, it's not that I don't want to talk or join forums and friends, but I hope to get the hang of this soon and get back to you. Thank you for your patiences.
I'm a single grandmother raising two of my 7 grandchildren and trying to earn income to help support us. They are 3 and 10 yrs old. Please visit the programs I am affiliated with and help us out. I am unable to work outside the home and have alot of medical problems, ( I want go into all of that), but any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am a sinner, saved by GRACE and I love my JESUS. He has NEVER left me nor turned HIS back on me. JESUS is my best friend and HE carries me through all my trials and tribulations of this life. I trust in HIM with my life and we are BLESSED thru HIS love for us.
My 3 grown children have their own lives and not much time for me or these other two grandchildren. My oldest child, (the mother of these two I have) is a drug addit and the fathers are dead beat drug addicts and I don't even know where these guys are. I receive SSI and TANF for the children and we live in a housing project.
I'm NOT saying this for PITY, I am just stating FACTS. I'm NOT feeling sorry for myself either, I am thankful for everything GOD has provided for us and like I said before, WE ARE BLESSED! My hope and trust is in my LORD and HE WILL PROVIDE our needs. I want to say, that it is not WHAT you have that is important, it is WHAT you GIVE that is important to the LORD. HE judges us with what is in our HEART not our earthy wealth, like the world judges.
I love you guys and I pray the LORD will shine HIS light into your lives and bless you all abundantly, according to HIS riches in glory. DON'T EVER GIVE UP!! GOD IS IN CONTROL and whatever the devil dishes out to you ,Your LORD JESUS will turn it around to let it be GOODS for you, those who are called according to HIS Purpose and HIS RICHES IN GLORY!
Email me if I can pray for you. efnall@comcast.net
Faye Nall