I was at the store with my 3 yr old daughter the other day. She kept saying "Mommy". I'd say what and she'd just giggle.
This went on for nearly 45 minutes. Finally I said..... When I was born, Nana didn't name me MOMMY.
An older lady heard me and replied... Ain't that the truth.
At that moment, I realized I didn't even know who I was anymore. Underneath all the titles, duties, and rugrats.... there was a woman with a distinct personality striving to get out.
I lost who I was. I had no name, no personal goals, no direction. Heck, I had nothing to give you a thumbnail of who I was anymore.
That realization gave way to what my mother called "self discovery". I needed to find out what this hidden woman wanted and how to bring her to the surface.
I started cleaning house. I got rid of everything in my life that didn't fit with who I knew this woman was.
I was becoming an older version of who I was before. A women with hobbies, dreams, goals and needs.
Yet, I was still left with one "need" that could not be filled without working from home.
The almighty Personal Value Need.
I'd work for pennies as long as it gave some type of worth to my life.
Now, I KNOW who I am and what my direction is. I invite everyone to review what I've discovered and how you can really be successful and work your worth.
( Click here to get your free copy...)