


Lunkhopao Haokip owns this group. Lunkhopao Haokip

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Visibility: Public
Type: Church
Owner: Lunkhopao Haokipowns this group. Lunkhopao Haokip
Date Created: 1/4/2019
City: Imphal
Address: Hopelane, PO Tuibuong,, ,Churachnadpur
Phone: 9402597530
Description: . “Counting the Cost”Strategic Planning for Mission in the Church and the Community2. God Plans I know the thoughts I have toward you. Plans to give you Hope and a Future. – Jeremiah Creation – Salvation – I go to prepare a place for you… Jesus3. Called to Plan The Exodus and Possessing the Promised Land Building the Sanctuary & the Temple Rebuilding Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s Day The Life and Mission of Jesus Called to preach – Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the ends of the Earth Paul’s Mission Trips4. Strategic Planning in the Christian Context Bible Study Prayer Spirit of Prophecy Seventh-day Adventist Church (Division, Union, Conference, District)Local Community Needs Local Congregation’s Talents / Spiritual Gifts5. Vision Blind Guides Leading the Blind – Without Vision the People Perish –Vision Leads to Mission Mission Leads to Spiritual Growth6. Christian Vision A Picture of What Can Be with the Holy Spirit’s Leading and Power It is Bigger than Our own Abilities . It is to Glorify God not Ourselves7. Visioning Process By God’s grace and power who and what will we be for Jesus in the community we serve? Who are we called to be? What are we called to do?8. Visioning Process Reflect on God’s Instructions we already know (Scripture, Spirit of Prophecy)9. Visioning Process Who is God Shaping Us to Be as a Congregation?10. Visioning Process What do we know about the surrounding community and their needs?11. Vision StatementWho are you?Where are you?What do you do?Who do you do it for?Why do you do it?12. Vision Statement ShortMemorableEasily Understood13. Mission Makes Vision a Reality Vision = What Mission = How14. How Do You Eat an Elephant? ONE BITE AT A TIME!15. SMART Goals Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant to Vision Time Specific16. MISSION STATEMENT Specific ways that you plan to make the Church’s Vision a Reality:17. Anatomy of a Vision and Mission Statement Our Name:The name Seventh-day Adventist includes vital beliefs for us as a Church. 'Adventist' reflects our passionate conviction in the nearness of the soon return ('advent') of Jesus. 'Seventh-day' refers to the Biblical Sabbath which from Creation has always been the seventh day of the week, or Saturday.Our Mission: The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to proclaim to all peoples the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels' messages of Revelation 14:6-12, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and to unite with His church, and nurturing them in prep...

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