Structured Water, like the holy or healing waters uniquely
found and studied in places like Lourdes, France, are
composed of beautiful, six-sided (hexagonal), snowflake
shaped, clusters containing hundreds of thousands of
crystal water molecules. The Water Crystal displays
the perfect six-sided (hexagonal) geometry necessary
for the reception and transmission of energy. When you
look at the shape of the water crystal from tap water
it becomes clear that it will not be as efficient at
hydrating nor transmitting energy to other cells. These
crystal clusters of water, form the inner core and structural
support for double helix DNA, the genetic blueprint
of life. In recent years, science has determined that
more than 90 percent of DNA function involves electromagnetic
reception and transmission. This optimal function, underlying
every aspect of health, delaying aging, and retarding
virtually every disease process, almost entirely depends
on the crystalline core of DNA
Scalar Wave Activated Water is one of our best
products and is used on a daily basis to heal strengthen
and support the energetic needs of the body. Utilising
the latest in Psionic Scalar Wave Technology the water
molecules in the Scalar Wave Activated Water formula
have been clustered for improved physiologic efficiency.
Scalar Wave Activated Water has no flavor and like
other waters is colorless and odorless.
Due to FDA regulations we are unable to make any health
claims for Scalar Wave Activated Water .We can
claim improved hydration which is the base cause of
almost every health challenge we face today. We can
point out that when Scalar Wave Activated Water
solutions were tested using the FDA approved RJL Systems
BIA-101Q (Quantum) Bio impedance test equipment that
measures; Total Body Water, Fat Free Mass, Total Body
Fat, Intracellular Water, Extra cellular Water, Body
Cell Mass, Total Body distal or proximal Resistance
and Reactance, we outperformed all other waters tested.