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Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/27/2008 4:23:14 PM
Sunflowers has their Cloth Grocery Bags (reusable with a credit on your bill each time you take it in !) for 99 cents !   If everyone used one or two each time they went to grocery store, it would cause an awesome change reaction of reduced use of resources and an easy recycle !

A new choice: Hope. For too long, the global warming debate has been mired between those who preach doom and gloom and those who deny the global warming threat. There's another way to look at this.

EARTH    the Sequel !    I don't want to buy myself and my children, grandchildren in our garbage !
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/27/2008 4:23:35 PM
Sunflowers has their Cloth Grocery Bags (reusable with a credit on your bill each time you take it in !) for 99 cents !   If everyone used one or two each time they went to grocery store, it would cause an awesome change reaction of reduced use of resources and an easy recycle !

A new choice: Hope. For too long, the global warming debate has been mired between those who preach doom and gloom and those who deny the global warming threat. There's another way to look at this.

EARTH    the Sequel !    I don't want to buy myself and my children, grandchildren in our garbage !
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/28/2008 3:55:21 PM

Hope springs eternal. This season of hope and rejuvenation, put something straight in front of you to remind you of both. Anyplace that you are sure to see it constantly, place a green star there! Green, the color of growth and the star the universal symbol of hope, combine to give you a subconscious spurt of spring, as well as to always remind you that something great is waiting for you right around the proverbial corner.
Warm Regards,
Ellen Whitehurst
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/31/2008 11:31:23 AM
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
   -  Mahatma Ghandi
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/31/2008 11:46:46 AM
When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must
> be involved in.